
What is Slurkin'?


verb- Super lurking. When someone is pushing the boundaries of generic creeping by making a daring approach. Slurkin' is all about over confident creepers. Can be used as a noun- Slurker.

Hot Bitch 1: How was your night?

Hot Bitch 2: Well, it was good..but all these guys were slurkin' Trying to dance on me, buy me drinks, asking me if I liked horses, telling me I should model outfits made out of dental floss.

Hot Bitch 1: Oh, I hate slurkers.

See creeper, creep, genuine, booty call, old men


The act of lurking while wearing a Slanket, also known as a Snuggie.

Look at that fool slurkin' round the house.

See slanket, snuggie, slurkin', slurking, blanket, lurking


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