
What is Slurp?


slurp; the act of performing oral sex.

The girl slurped pj for 2 hours.

See ross


1~sucking dick

2~sweating on someone hardcore

1~that chickenhead was just slurpin him

2~damn u slurp john


Sucking on something

Edward was Slurping on Jadens chest


A very wet and sloppy, although affectionate lick. Not necessarily involving a sexual act. Usually involving animals, or online anthropomorphic roleplay.

The dog slurped her mate on the muzzle.


*slurps your muzzle and hugs*


A noisy soind associated with the mouth ie.a noisy lick... Lick may have a sexual link to it.

I could almost here the slurp coming from between my thighs...

See Aido


noise made whilst drinking from the furry cup

slurped for 20 minutes and the bitch still wouldnt cum

See lee


To overly admire another individual. Usually sarcastic, it is used to notify and embarrass the 'sluper' who is highly regarding or adoring the other person. Can be used if one person is good friends with another person too.

Chris: I really like Mike. He's a good kid.

Jay: Yo, stop slurping Mike, guy.


Jay: You spend a lot of time with Mike. All you two do is slurp each other.


Chris: I really like her.

Jay: You're sluprin' this chick. Stop being a faggot.

See like, admire, love


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