
What is Slurt?


When an asian person with an accent says slut, it turns out like this.

I just move here from Asia and there are so many slurt here!

See slut, asian, asia, accent, loser, chode


a girl who is both a slut and a flirt

"katy fucked brian, then she flirted with his best friend, she is such a slurt!"


When the word slut just doesn't do the turbo whore any justice.

"Holy shit, Ch-arlene is a disgusting herpes ridden slurt!"

See slut, slurt, fatty


A man or woman who is a slut, but instead of having sex in a bed they do it in the DIRT!!

I knew you were easy, but i never knew you were a slurt.

See slut, tramp, skank, lesbo, gay


The beginning phases of becoming a slut. Similar to the tadpole phase in frog development.

This girl is a slurt, she hooks up with lots of guys but never has sex.

See slut, whore, ho, bitch



a girl who is loose, but won't get too loose

Yao grabs me in the paint, but she won't let me take it to the basket. She's a slurt.

See loose, slut


a slutty, burnt chick.

that slurt, amy m, has gotten with more guys than her age and broke ant's downstem.

See amy, slut, whore, bud, burnt


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