
What is Slusho?


Slusho! is the name of the world's most popular frozen drink!

"You Can't Drink Just Six!"

Slusho! = A Toxic Industry's Junk

See slusho, chocolate, cheese, cloverfield, 1-18-08, monster


Fictional Japanese drink made by a fictional company called Tagruato

Have a drink of Slusho

See slusho, cloverfield


A yum type of drink, where, if you drink too much of it, you can explode, or your stomach bloats up. The secret ingredient in Slusho! is "Sea-Nectar"

"Slusho! You Can't Drink Just Six!"

"Slusho! We Got The Flavor!"

See cloverfield, slusho, jamie, rob, hawkins, hawk, marlena, beth, lil


A drink that contains an ingredient from the bottom of the ocean that makes people turn into huge whales or lions.

My friend bought a Slusho at the store. Then he kept going back and buying more. He drank 7, and then turned into a huge lion.

"I saw it, it's a lion, it's huge!"

He must have drank Slusho.

See slusho, slushee


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