Slut Aisle 9

What is Slut Aisle 9?


An exclamation commonly used in gay clubs in some southern cities, particularly Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL. It is used when you and your friends see a person that you know for a fact has slept with several people of questionable intents (aka, this person is a slut).

"Did you hear me mothafuckas?! I said I'm calling for a SLUT AISLE 9!"

U: Hey guys, do you see what I see?

A: Hell yeah I do! *laughs*

K: I see it too! SLUT AISLE 9!

*everybody repeats loudly*

*the slut's friends also scream, unaware of what they are screaming about*

J: I don't understand why you're mad at me.

K: Because your a slut aisle 9.

J: What?

K: You heard me. Now go think about what you did.

J: *walks away, shamed*

See gay, sluts, nine, mobile, south, florida


an exclamation used in the club when you and your friends see a person that you know for a fact is a SLUT. It is used most often in gay clubs around Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL.

"Did you hear me mothafuckas?! I said I'm calling for a SLUT AISLE 9!"

U: Hey guys, do you see what I see?

A: Hell yeah I do! *laughs*

K: I see it too! SLUT AISLE 9!

*everybody repeats loudly*

*the slut's friends also scream, unaware of what they are screaming about*

Jimmy: I don't understand why you're mad at me.

K: Because your a slut aisle 9.

J: What?

K: You heard me. Now go think about what you did.

J: *walks away, shamed*

See gay, club, slut, mobile, nine


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