Slut Cake

What is Slut Cake?


Slut cakes is a term used to describe a female that looks very sexy and delicious. One who you would want to lick her all over because she looks tasty like a cake of your favorite flavor.

Alexis looked so hot today, gosh she is a lil slut cake.


1. A 14 year-old or younger that has sex with her 3rd cousin.

And Or

2. An exceedingly large female with the values of a trucker.

3. Someone who contracts "The Clap" on a school bus.

God Man, Did you see that slut cake jessica hanging off her boyfriend, and rubbing his nipples in class?

slut cake? man, shes a damn slut desert parlor!

See sluts, fat, food, xo's, whores, cake


a whore with a tasty cunt

"that slut cake ivanage sure had a tasty cunt"

See whore, cunt, eating out


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