What is Slut [ehrine Edition]?


FUTURE STRIPPER. I mean PRESENT Stripper. Pronunciation EHH-RINN. A really dark fucking ugly nigger girl that likes showing her cameltoe in pictures. All over every guy. Makes out with random strangers. someone, a lot of people hate her but she thinks everything is okay. Go up to this Slut and say "Bitch everyone hates your ugly ass" , she will think "all the girls are just jealous cause Im so sexy I can get any damn guy". WRONG BITCH , a "ehrine slut" is fucking ugly, she is known as the "regret" in every man's life. Makes out with other guys even if their taken. Flirts hella. Slutty face. Fake voice and fake laugh. Jocks off EVERYONE. A wannabe. A slut. A hoe. A bitch. A cunt. A jocker. A FAKE. I remember when I was stupid and said "ehrine isnt ugly".

Slut ehrine edition

See hoe, whore, tramp, slut, bitch


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