Slut Puppy

What is Slut Puppy?


This is a male that sleeps around with as many women as he can. Females get enough names called for their sexual exploits, the phrase slut puppy describes the male whore.

I wonder if she knows what a slut puppy her boyfriend really is!

See Jade



*Easily and Extremely exciteable




*Licks everywhere

*Sucks everything

*Almost uncontrolable



1)"Oh, my little slut puppy"

2)"OHHHH GOD yes my little slut puppy"

3)"I bet she/he'd make a great slut puppy"

See drunkenmonkey


The kind of girl that Every Guy really wants to have available on a whim.

My friend Mace has more than one Slut Puppy at his disposal

Oh man, I wish I had that slut puppy at my disposal

See Paul


Man or woman who pursues doggedly the opposite sex for nothing other than sex.

He/She is such a slut puppy.


Woman who is very accomodating sexually;

woman who is devoted to giving pleasure in a playful way.

See linc


Woman or man who chased married people, single people, dead people, and people. Often a disease ridden parasite, they enjoy destroying marriages, passing along their latest infection, and screwing whatever walks by.

She is such a slut puppy, she'd do my dog if he would stand still long enough.

See GD


young woman, usually with loose/no morals.

Slut puppies hang at the mall in packs.

See lola


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