Slut Rabies

What is Slut Rabies?


a generic term for sexually transmitted diseases found in girls who sleep around.

Naw man, don't even touch that beezie, she's got slut rabies! She's more used and abused than highway 101!

See herpes, aids, slut, whore, disease, crabs, sti, vagina, gonorrhea, hiv, vd, syphilis, skank, clap, dirty, nasty, pussy, stds, bitch, the clap, fuck, cunt, sexually transmitted disease, dick, ho, warts, prostitute, hoe, gay, gross, cock, ass, genital warts, ugly, intercourse, balls, anal, hooker, syphillis, hpv, herpies, sexual, lice, pubic lice


Usually the case when a victim has been biten by the notorious slut. In some cases this kind of an incounter leads to becoming a slut.

Damn! that slut just bite me, I might get slut rabies!


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