
What is Slutice?


Extended, original form of the word "slut"; used to refer to females that are in the habit of frequently practicing sexual acts with multiple partners.

My buddy Stu thought this girl was totally hot; I knew she was a slutice though.

See slut, ho, whore, tease, bitch


Extended, original form of the word "slut"; used to refer to females that are in the habit of frequently practicing sexual acts with multiple partners.

My buddy Stu thought this girl was totally hot; I knew she was a slutice though.

See slut, ho, whore, tease, bitch


The long form of the word slut, used to emphasize an especially whorish person.

Man, that bitch wasn't just be annoying, she was acting like a total slutice.

See slut, ho, whore, bitch, skank


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