
What is Slutting?


Acting like a slut - can be attributed to men or women. Mostly used to describe online activity.

Matt spent the night slutting online sorting out his gaydar shags.

See world


What every female enjoys doing in male company, yet vehemently denies.

Trudy's jugs were hanging out all over the show, man, she was slutting and lovin' it.

See slutting, sex, slutting it up


Slutting describes a barely clothed 20-somthing old girl who lives in gays' and bisexuals' apartments rent free because the gay guy in the household is too nice to put the bi- ahem - young lady out.

Damn dude! Look at 'er! She's barely wearing any clothes. She's so slutting.

See slut, prostitute, whore, hooker, stripper


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