What is Smegzecutive?
smegzecutive (smeg zek yu tiv) NOUN. An especially sleazy businessman. From “smegma” and “executive.”
From 2001 to 2008, Tim Geithner,
Ben Bernanke , Alan Greenspan and Henry Paulson helped to destroy the banking, insurance, mortgage and loan industries. In doing so, they have ruined millions of lives and wrecked the world economy.
Instead of jailing them,
President Obama picked them to fix the nation's economy. They chose to give their old bosses and buddies trillions oftaxpayer dollars with no strings attached. It was a smegzecutive decision.
The world's
economy is still a stagnant swamp because thebillionaire s are hoarding the freemoney , and will continue to do so until prices have dropped low enough for them to buy everything of value.