What is Smells Like Teen Spirit?


smells like teen spirit is a song by the group nirvana written by the greatest person who every lived, kurt cobain


smells like teen spirit was a song that revolutionalzed grunge music

See gina


Both MC and Chelsea are wrong. Kathleen Hannainspired the name of Nirvana's hit song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by writing "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on one of Kurt Cobain's walls. He thought it meant "the spirit of teens" and didn't know it was a deodorant.

"Here we are now, entertain us"


A very good but overplayed song by Nirvana that Kurt Cobain claimed was his attempt at making "the ultimate pop song." Inspired heavily by The Pixies, according to Cobain, in fact he called the song a "Pixies rip-off", though the now extremely famous riff is often compared to Boston's "More Than a Feeling". Title was inspired by a friend of his telling him he "smelled like teen spirit." Kurt had no clue that there was a deoderant of that name and took it as though he was teenage-like. Basically the song that killed hair metal music such as Van Halen, Gusn N Roses, Poison, Whitesnake etc. I personally like the song a lot though I must admit the radio stations have killed it by now. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was chosen by Rolling Stone as the 9th greatest rock song of all time. I suppose influencially, it was up there, virtually inspiring every hard rock band after them, though there are better Nirvana songs. In my opinion, what the song is isa very good part punk, part 70s style hard rock, part Pixies soft-hard effort piece of music that is a lot better than the other trash that was out at the time.

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" destroyed the trash music known as hair metal though unfortunetely ended up influencing tons of bands that sound nothing like Nirvana, such as nu metal and pop punk shitbands.


dave is so fuckin wrong. I kno michael jackson is a legend, but there is a big difference between a king of pop and a rock god. Smells like teen spirit may not be the best song by nirvana, but it certanly kiks any other songs ass!

Kurt Cobain lives on!


A ok song by the greatest band ever, Nirvana.

It was majorly overplayed and was killed by MTV and pop Radio Stations.

Go listen to Come as you are, Rape Me, You Know You're right, About a Girl, and Silver if you want some good Nirvana songs

Smells like teen spirit is a great example of how a song can be killed.


Smells Like Teen Spirit was written by Kurt Cobain for his band, Nirvana and is found on the album Nevermind. Kurt got the name when Kathleen Hanna (Bikini Kill, Le Tigre) spray painted "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on the walls of his apartment. She spray painted this because, at the time, Kurt was dating Tobi Vail (Bikini Kill, riot grrrl) and she wore Teen Spirit deoderant, so Hanna said Kurt smelt like her. A parody of the song was later made by Weird Al Yankovic called "Smells Like Nirvana".

Why "Kurt smells like teen spirit"-Kurt fucked Tobi so he smelled like her.

See bikini kill, kurt cobain, nirvana, nevermind, rock legend


Nirvana song that symbolizes grungeand, more than any other song, defines 90'smusic. My personal opinion is that the guitar riff is pretty good, but if you take a look at the lyrics, they are pretty random. The point of the song isn't really the lyrics, though. This is more about the guitars and practicing the style of grunge, which is more apparent in the music video. What it looks like is a stripped-down performance with excited teens in a sweaty gym.

With the lights out/ it's less dangerous/ Here we are now/

Entertain us/ I feel stupid/ and contagious/ Here we are now

Entertain us/ A mulatto/ An albino/ A mosquito/ My Libido/ Yeah

How much more random can you get? Smells Like Teen Spirit isn't really about anything. The title comes (indirectly) from deodorant. Maybe that's what the sweaty fans need when they're jumping around in the poorly ventilated gym. Hey, just a guess.

See nirvana, grunge, 90's, music, kurt cobain, random, weird al


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