Smelly Cunt

What is Smelly Cunt?


Indication that the female genital region is offensively pungent in the whiff department.

Often caused by repeat arousal to the vagina producing pussy juice that is subsequently not washed. Non washing of the vagina encourages gremlins and germs to proliferate and these cause the smell.

Derogatory term for someone who smells bad.

Gladys had a very smelly cunt - I couldn't bring myself to lick it!

Oi Johnny! You're a smelly cunt - that fart smelled like a fisher wive's dirty pussy!

See stink, whiff, cheese, minge


a term to describe certain girls from the age of 14- till they die, that have sexual intercourse with men mainly from the army/navy services who are old enough to be there fathers.

abi got off with that guy from the arm yeh i know he's old enough to be her father what a smelly cunt.

See smelly cunt, cunt, cnut


an asshole who smells like shit.

Shit man you see that smelly cunt over there she is in a bitch couple

See smelly, cunt, rank, ugly, shit


kara tarrs cunt smells so me i one wants to even get near that shit...ewwwwwwwww

Kara Tarr close your legs


Kara Tarr

Ewww that girls cunt was Almost as smelly as Kara Tarrs


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