
What is Smex?


Used in fangirl circles as a cooler sounding variant to "sex." Can also mean: hot, sexy, cute, cool.

Other meanings vary on use. Be sure to check context!

Used most often in conjunction with "teh".

He is so smexin.

Itz teh smex!

I so wanna smex him.


A combination of the words smut and sex. While sex can refer only to the mechanics of the act, the addition of smut into the equation (meaning to make obscene or pornographic) gives it a more vulgar connotation than just sex by itself.

This also applies to smexy. To be sexy is to arouse interest (even unintentionally), but to be smexy is to arouse sexual interest in a pointedly lewd manner.

I found a fic featuring my two favorite characters engaging in hot smex.

The images conjured in my mind by the story were so smexy I got a nosebleed.

See douma


word for sex on chat rooms that wont allow the word 'sex' and will ban you if you say it.

girlfreind- hey babe


girlfreind-wanna have sex?

boyfreind- dont say that they will ban you on zwinky

girlfreind-oh ya wanna have smex?

boyfreind- oooohhh ya!

See zwinky, slex, chat room


Smex is the kind of sex you read or watch when looking at or reading any kind of japanese cartoon. Is also used when read yaoi/yuri. Mostly used when reading yaoi/yuri, actually. "Smexy", a word favored by fangirls/boys everywhere, is used to describe any character he/she would like to throw down and screw their brains matter who the character is really SUPPOSED to be with. For instance:

Rei: Gaara, I love you!!! *attacks* I'm gonna throw you down and screw your brains out!!!!

Gaara: I cannot agree. My secret love is for-

Rei: *glomps him and shuts him up* no, tell me after we fuck. Then I'll write a really smexy fanfic!!

See smex, smexy, fangirl, fanboy


SMEX is NASA's abbreviation for, "Small Explorer". They use it in regards to missions using much smaller than normal shuttle-craft.

23:05 iMaHeRosPunK: You need to come to Orlando

23:05 iMaHeRosPunK: and make the sticky smex with me

23:06 benspectorLITE: SMEX = Small Explorer

23:06 TehKaze: lol!

23:07 iMaHeRosPunK: =*(



with a 'm'

which stands for monkey

which led to the development of AIDS


any sex in which you contract AIDS

some years ago:

-dude i just had smex last night

-dude i didn't know u were into bestiality


-i shouldn't have had that smex

-yea, thanks for AIDS


-dude i had smex last night

-dude that sucks, when'd you find out it was smex and not sex?

See sex, smex, smecks, aids, abstinence


Making out viciously while fully or partly clothed. Also known as dry sex.

"So how far did you get with Kris last night?"

"Well, we didn't go all the way, but we had awesome SMEX."


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