
What is Smick?


n. A smooth dick. A fast talking, charismatic, club or bar patron who always gets the girl. See Vince Vaughn in Swingers, or Roger Dodger. A smick is a person who you'd want to be your friend, if they didn't just cock block you.

Dude, I was totally about to get in there with that hot blonde, when all of the sudden some smick swooped in and nabbed her with an epic line.

See men, vince vaughn, vulture, douche


Smick is a mix of smooth and slick. the word smick describes anything which is cool. The word has evolved from the use of describing men and women whom think they are slick into a word to now describe or exclaim a cool thing.

boy1: i met this chick on the weekend

boy2: smick!

See schmick, smick, slick, smooth, sick


an individual of irish and latin descent. most probably a catholic, with a larger predisposition than most for keeping down alcohol and kicking ass, or these combined. also prone to discrimination and has powerful ancestors that could include vikings, mayans, celts, or azteks.

"so how are the smicks, paco?"

"well, breandan's gone to jail, and I'm about to pick up rosa at Alcoholics Anonymous!"

See irish, mexican, problem child, salsa


There is loads of different types of words that mean smick but they all mean the same thing, a 4'5ft tall kid with a hat pointed 90 degrees sky high picking up near by radio signals, this is how they have mainly spikey hair, usually drink WKD blue, known as POOF-JUICE to some, listen to Hard-House & eminem.. usually hate any other rapper cause there "not good enough", wouldnt know any other rapper if you tryed naming some ..e.g.

"Niceguy: you ever heard mc eiht"

"lilwanker: aye yer ma"

usually they prefare adidas,nick,kappa etc, track suit bottoms mainly, or you get the odd Jean one, who will have both hands in his pockets with his chest pushed forward thinking he is all that, usually 'hunt' in packs or stand outside of chip-shops.. i COULD GO ON AND ON but you get the idea.. oh and they would steal from a

old-handicaped man anyday.

I was with a friend and his girl, leaving her home, we passed by a chip-shop with lies .. 40+ smicks standing outside, 2 mins a bottle of blue wkd missed my head and we got chased for 30 mins round my estate.

this is not exaduration this happens everyday in the shit hole of belfast,


The west belfast version of a townie well actually from any pasrt of belfast, like there sports wear and fake gold chains and alice knows them all :D

That smick stole my car


Suck my dick (s for "suck", m for "my", and ick for "dick").

"Smick, smick, smick, bitch!"

See fuck, suck, suck dick, dick, oral sex


A smelly hick.

"raymond winslow is a smelly hick"

See dick fitswell


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