
What is Smidge?


A small amount of something. Short for smidegeon.

You blocked me in. Can you move your car up just a smidge?


A person, usualy female, short in stature, but large in heart. Also, smidges are usually very beautiful.

My smidge is the sweetest person I know

See Alex


the ulmighty king of linwood who has many pawns

random supermodel: i love smidge hes the man

:fonz: i know right

See king, the man, suppish, cool


(n.) a small child, under the age of 12.. Often seen playing in streets.

Aww, how cute look at the little smidges.


(besides traditional definition) to fall and injure one's self while performing a rediculous act

That dumbass smidge fell off the back of a car at 50mph and got road rash all up on his face.


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