
What is Smif?


Single Mother I Fucked

There are two types of single mothers in this world, MILFs and SMIFs

See milf, hottie, babe, tagged, slut


shoot myself in face

"It's only 11 a.m. on a Tuesday? SMIF."

"I wanted to SMIF at the bar yesterday when Squid showed up wearing a batman costume."

see roungetable DOT blogspot DOT com for other uses

See fml, ks, km, squid


1. A firearm, usually semiautomatic. Also can be a pistol.

2. One of the rappers in the rap duo "Smif-n-Wessun", most famous for the song "Bucktown".

Person 1: Man you better be careful in that neighborhood.

Person 2: Don't worry about me, I'm good as long as I got my smif at my side.

Person 1: Rap today sucks, do you know any good rap artists?

Person 2: Yeah man, check out some stuff from smif n wessun, theyre pretty tight.

See gat, heat, ak47


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