
What is Smiff?


(verb) To out think or out do.

When I snuck out past my mom last night, I was totally smiffin'


A Terse exclamation of approval. Shortened from Smiffy which is a bastardization of Spiffy.

"Your last minute order will arrive at 9am tomorrow, guaranteed."


See smiff, smiffy, spiff, spiffy, cool


To out think or out do.

I totally smiffed him during the debate.

See Cathy


How some people say smith.

yo what college are you going to?

Johnson C. Smiff

See smith, smiff, smiffy, smiffer, smuff


A derogatory term given to a friend who fails to show up at a meeting, embark on a drinking night out or generally makes a mockery of himself within earshot. Coming from the line in the "Wedding Crashes";

"Hes a cock-smith" and alternating the ending to avoid clashes with the popular name "Smith".

Can also be lengthend to "Smiffington" which in esence, is a less harsh version of the word. Also better around OAP's or vulnerable people.

"<friend> is such a Smiff".

Friend 1: "Wheres <friend>?

Friend 2: "I dunno, think he is sitting in tonight.."

Friend 1: "God, he is such a Smiff!"

See smiff, wedding, crashers, derogatory


wipping your butt and the toliet paper breaks. Then taking a wiff of your finger

i wiped my butt and smiffed on my finger.

See Will


To get your ho back in line or to straighten her out with the use of pain. To make her never forget who is in charge.

"Last night I smiffed the fuck outta my woman for embarrassing me in front of my homies" or "My ho's face caved in when I gave her the fucking smiffing of the Millennium"


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