
What is Smithsmntender?


One who takes care of, looks after, or keeps watch over a man who likes to make things. The word originates from the Whittier area of Los Angeles, where during a gathering of intelligent gentleman, one hypothesized the possibility of combining three known suffixes that denote a man's relation to a thing. "-smith" acknowledges one who makes something (i.e. goldsmith, blacksmith), "-mn", which refers to one who enjoys, uses, or is absorbed in a thing, (i.e. boatsmn, sportsmn, cocksmn), and finally "-tender" which means simply, one who looks after, or keeps watch over a thing (ie - goaltender, asstender, fucktender). A smithsmntender generally has no artistic talent, nor can he perform a trade. Nor is he interested in said trade or art. His primary interest is a smithsmn, which is most often socially awkward, highly annoying, and very gay.

Dwayne: Roger's woodworking skills have gotten pretty bad lately. It's as if he's forgotten how to go about his craft.

Seymour: A lot of it's because of Kirby, that fuckin smithsmntender; following him around all day, creeping him out and asking questions just for the sake of talking. I feel for the guy.

See smith


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