
What is Snakebite?


Having both right and left bottom lip piercings. Often with rings, but studs may be used (especially on new piercings)

Jane went to the Piercing Parlor and got a snakebite, it looks pretty punkass.

See snake bite, piercing, punk, monroe


Larger, cider and blackcurrent, sometimes refered to as a snakebite and black, diesel (scotland) or even "Jungle Juice". The combination of sugar and alcohol goes to some peoples heads and as a result some publicans refuse to serve it and claim it is illegal.

A favourite of Irish and English Goths/metal heads/rockers and Austrialians.

If visiting America be careful! If you ask for a snakebite in an Irish bar you may find the taste of Gunniess making it way in to your mouth. Gunniess is used instead of larger by some, a vile practice.

"Snakebite an' black!" *Barman pours a messure of black in to a pint glass and draws off half cider and half larger and relives you of some currency.*


Illeagal potent alcoholic drink containing cider, lager and blackcurrent, has been know to severely lower inhibitions and subsequent morning after defleaing

ten snakebites later and the local swampdonkey began to look like an appealing option


the act of a woman opening her mouth so wide that she fits the male's entire package (penis and balls included)into her mouth while wriggling her tounge around to the man's anus and giving him an awesome rimmer.

this one time at band camp, this chick gave me a snakebite and then tried to lick my face after. it was weird. tasted like smores

See snakebite, anus, anal, cum, junk, booty, balls, package, shenanigans, chili dog, cock


Scientologists believe that poisonous snakes can be healed by God.

If you ever get bit by a poisonous snake, here are tips on how to treat it:

1. Stay calm, and take deep breaths to relax yourself.

2. DO NOT seek medical treatment. Instead, rush to find leaves and if possible, healing herbs. Pour them on the snakebite.

3. Let God heal it.

Katie: "Tom, come over here! I just got bit by a poisonous snake! What should I do?"

Tom: "No worries, honey. God heals snakebite... I'll find some leaves and healing herbs"

This was a true story. Unfortunately, Katie died a half hour later because Tom didn't use a snakebite kit. If Tom would've had a snakebite kit, Katie would still be alive today. Fucking sad.

See snakebite, snap!


A drink of Beer/Cider and blackcurrant.

Mostly drunk by expat Aussies in Aussie bars around the world and by European and American backpackers who are in Australia

I drank too many Pints of Snakebite last night that my tongue is now red and I have a hyperactive hangover.

See Dane


An object in plain sight that is still mysteriously invisible to someone looking for it.

"Dude, where's the beer?"

"Middle of the shelf, like always. If it was a snake, it would have bit you."

"Damn snakebite."

See snake, bite, snakes, bites


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