
What is Snaked?


To get stabbed in the back or be generally

screwed over by someone

1.That fucker just snaked me.

2.I though he could be trusted but he

snaked me.


Stole or stolen.

(syn. Ganked, Snatched)

- "I just snaked that dude's wallet."

- "Yo' shit just got snaked!"

See steal, stole, snake, gank, snatch


cutting in line

in skateboarding/snowboarding

Taking someone else's turn on the jump/rail/pipe etc

Bob; dude im gonna front board 270 that rail

joe: hurry up broski! its your turn! go or your gonna get snaked!!!!!!

See cut, line, snake, snowboard, skateboard


when someone your are closely related to takes your girlfriend out from under you

dude you snaked my girfriend

See snake, basterd, snaked, reptile, mean


(v.) to have rolled two 1's in a dice game. Derived from the term "snake eyes."

I was on fire until I snaked three times straight. I'm never gambling again.

See craps, snake eyes, gaming, dice


This Means when someone talks about you behind their back

when some is 2 faced same meaning

Yo she snaked me man!!

so many snakes nowa days

See snaked, snakes, 2faced, talkin, behind, your, back, pris


A malicious act of lunch cutting wherein an acquaintance or friend (but not a total stranger) makes a successful play for your beau, fully aware that you had first dibbs. usually undertaken when you haven't arrived at the party yet or are too off your face to notice.

ROSA: so she said she hooked up with Marchie last weekend

ETA: mole! she knows that boy's mine!

ROSA: yeh she snaked you babz

See snake, cut lunch, mole, babz, beau, first dibbs


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