
What is Snakedog?


The "Snakedog" has existed since 1979 and is widely regarded as one of the most horrible and dangerous animals in existance. The first known sighting of the Snakedog was in 1979 and has since laid waste to most of South American.

This horrible beast is most often 200-400 feet long, and uses it's body to slither like a snake, and it's near-useless paws are barbed with massive razor-sharp claws. There are also reports that the Snakedog can breathe fire.

The Snakedog has stayed in mostly humid climates, and such has since 1979 Destroyed nearly 450,000 square miles of south america, and there are numerous reports of the Snakedog destroying whole villages.

That Snakedog ate my grandfather!


See snakedog, dogsnake, dog, snake, dragon


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