
What is Snaker?


In Mario Kart DS, someone who uses Snaking to win in online or multiplayer matches.

That Snaker always beats me! It's like he's using a Mushroom through most of the track!

See snaking, speeding, skill, mushroom, fast, Durango


Somebody who cuts in front of your line while snowboarding/skateboarding/etc. The biggest asshole in the world.

While riding up to the second table, Jimmy is cut off by the slowest skier in the world, who's idea for fun is to ride off the lip of table tops and land several milliseconds later, only to fall several feet from the knuckle and slow down the entire group which are waiting to hit it. He is displeased so he catches up to the skiing fag, pushes him over, and screams

"Fuck you! You little snaker twat!"

See snake, snaker, ski, snowboard, park, asshole


premature ejaculator

that little kid is such a pervert... hes probably a snaker

See gene


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