Snapping Turtle

What is Snapping Turtle?


When giving a slow blow jobthe girl bites the guys penis just before his climax.

The guy pissed me off so I gave him a snapping turtle.

See snapping, turtle, blowjob, slow


When a guy mouth fucks a girl so hard, he snaps her neck.

Man, I knew Tyrone's monster cock was going to give her the snapping turtle sooner or later.

See mouth fuck, cock, fellatio, suck


When having to deficate really bad, have your lover press their tongue between your butt cheeks, then trying to see how many times you can release and pull in the turd before pinching it off in their mouth.

Last night i snapped my turtle 11 times before i pinched it off in tiffany's mouth.

Greg: i just got dumped by my girl

Tony: what for?

Greg: i accidentally played the snapping turtle game when i had diarrhea, i totally shat all over her face.

Tony: That sucks a fat one dude.

See turtle, feces, karl, cleveland steamer, motor boat


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