
What is Snapple?


Origin: Straight from God's womb

Definition: The best damn liquid refeshment ever to have been created by man, or God. Only the Almighty know of the secrets of what the "best stuff on Earth" is, but who really cares, it tastes damn fine going down. And the flavor cannot be beat. From Banana to Lemon, Snapple is indeed, what Jesus would drink if he was around for its miracously decent from heaven in 1992. So if you ask, what would Jesus do, I can reply that he would drink Snapple. And yes, I know Jesus.

Damn that Snapple be fine, dawg, share me some!


A drink bottled and sold in several flavors, including fruits and tea with flavoring. Advertised as 'made with the best stuff on earth', and supposedly healthy. Sometimes used as a substitute for soft drinks by those who are health concious, those who like fruit, or those who want to look 'cool'. Popular among the upper middle class and homosexuals (I don't know why).

Dude : Why do you drink so much snapple Tyler ?

Tyler : 'cause Coke eats your bones. gaaaahh!

See Tyler


an infusion of Tin and Apple. Thus, SnApple

"Here, eat this snapple."

*bite* "Ow! what is this?"

"Why, it's an infusion of tin and apple."

See xkcd, tin, apple, snapple, pun, webcomic, chemistry, element, practical joke


1. An awwesome juice drink.

2. An expression.


person 1~ I luv snapple!

person 2~ Me 2! *smiles*

person 3~ I hate snapple...

person 1 and 2~ Well I hate you.


person 1~ I lost my cat again.

person 2~ Oh snapple thats not good!

See snapple, melody, drink


A tin apple for chemistry dorks.

-Rodolphe: "Here take a bite of this Snapple"

-Gustave: "Food!"

-Gustave: "Ouch what's this?"

-Rodolphe: "It's an apple infused with tin"


See xkcd, tin, apple, periodic table, noob, dork, nerd


A replacement/alternative/contemporary version of the word "snap." Used to demonstrate surprise, disappointment, or give props to someone for a wicked insult.

"Oh snapple - that creepy guy from the bar tracked me down on myspace."

See snap, dang, darn, shux, damn, shit, crap


Sperm, Jizz, what ever you want to call it

Guy: Dude, I blasted Snapple all over that bitch!

Dude: Guy, that's fu*kin awesome!

See jizz, sperm, cream, seaman, ejaculation, supersoak, Ranjeet


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