
What is Snappy?


Quick, without unnecessary delay.

"Better make it snappy, cap, fuel's a-burning." (From: Jagged Alliance 2)


A mood between snatchy and happy

You make me feel so snappy!

See snatchy, happy, snappy, annoyed, funny


Slang term for a condom.

Refers to the sound in which a latex condom makes when removed quickly from the male penis after sex.

"Man, after tapping my girl's ass last night I pulled my snappy off and it snapped my hand so hard it left a mark that lasted for three days.

See condom, prophylactic, birth control, rubber


An extremley skinny person

Youre really snappy these days, what dies have you been on?

See skinny, thin


A term of endaerment for ones loved one.

Oi geezer...Snappy's on the phone for you!


a girl who just wont shut up but you still love them anyway

Marlon was talking about his world class golfer dad but Veronica could be nothing but snappy about his ego.

See mean, snappy, egotistical, shut up, girl, annoying


1.Loud, obnoxious co-worker who snaps her fingers on the way to the bathroom, the fax machine, the photocopier, the lunchroom, the boardroom, etc.

2-worker who's head you would love to snap right off.

1. Snappy is making me MENTAL today!!!

See Postal


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