
What is Snatch?


see cunt

that girl's got a nasty smelling snatch

See Dawn


The second most horrific sounding nickname for the human female's genitals(after cunt). So much so that it can only be properly applied when descibing genitals that are presumed or understood to be filthy or disgusting.

"Yo Jeff, I lost my arm in your Grandma's snatch last night!"

See snatch, vaginia, cunt, pussy, genitals, filth


1a. verb. to take or grasp abruptly or hastily.

1b. noun. the act of snatching.

1c. noun. a trap or device used for ensnarement.

2. noun. (an informal term for) female pudendum (vulva/vagina)

3. noun. a brief period of time

4. noun. a type of lift in weight-lifting

5. noun. A film about a diamond heist in London's gangland. Its tagline is "Stealin' Stones and Breakin' Bones." It is the sequel to Guy Ritchie's first film "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels."

Sally snatched the potato chips right off my plate without me even noticing.

See steal, trap, vagina, pudendum, moment, wwcnd


A great movie about crime in England, that nobody has heard of. Sequel to Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

"He was the gypsie bare knuckle boxing champion, which made him harder than a coffin nail."

See Cocco


1. Noun - Slang term for the vagina

2. Verb - To steal (see "boost" or "jack")

3. Film - A 2000 crime film by British writer-director Guy Ritchie

4. Weightlifting - An Olympic weightlifting movement in which the weight is moved from the floor to a position over the head in one movement. Can be used as a noun or verb in this sense. There are variations, such as the hang snatch and the power snatch.

1. Your little sister has a really tight snatch.

2. I snatched a thousand-dollar necklace from this house on Fargo Street.

3. Snatch is a criminally-underrated movie.

4. Ivan can perform a 200 pound snatch very well.

See cunt, box, pussy, beaver, pie, boost, jack


Possibly the most visual of terms for a vagina.

Her snatch looked like a beartrap, and it felt like one too.

See snatch, cunt, vagina, snizz, woman, women


often used to refer to a womans genitals, etc

vulgar language-even as bad as 'cunt'

used in interface-'yo marcus i was fisting your mothers snatch last night bro.'

used on pronsites-'hot young asian gets man to lick her snatch...'

See vagina, woman, snatch, period, fisting, gameover


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