What is Snog, Marry, Avoid?
SNOG, MARRY, AVOID? is perhaps the world’s first make-UNDER show. As opposed to make OVER show, 3 contestants per episode on this show are intoroduced to the viewer, their friends, their night out and then they are given a makeunder at the expense of straight talking computer POD, that transforms them into natarual beuteys after a public analyasis on whether the general public would snog, marry or avoid them, as well as members of the public the show also features uk celebirtys.
It is presented by Jenny frost, Ex Attomic Kitten member.
One thing everyone on this show has in common is that they ALL look over the top, too much fake tan, pericings, fake hair, too little clothes, tatoos, too much
Noneable contestants to appear on the show are Tape wearing Tasmin from Huddersfeild, Jodie marsh Lookalike Heather, Fake tannned male barbie Ross from scotland, Larissa the glam rocker, Jay the outragous mother, The cheeky girls,
The contestants of ''Snog, Marry, Avoid'' wear more makeup than anyone I know
She looks so fake, she could be on Snog, Marry Avoid