
What is Snook?


v. to snook. to victimize (slang UK)

verb = snooks

note: the noun form of snooks refers to an idiot or fool. Also not to be confused with snookered

bob: I set up my gfreal good?

cindy: how?

bob: I snooked her with a polygraph test when she least expected it.

cindy: you're a snooks

See snooks, victim, idiot, fool, snooker


1. To grab ass, uually in an unnoticed way or fashion as to not excite the victims anger.

2. A fish

Dan came up and snooked Christal while ice skating. She blew the snook off as an accident due to the very nature of Dan's atrocious skating abilities.

I totally snooked her ass.

See pooty tang, debauchery, ghetto booty, beyonce


One who ditches friends to do something much lamer.

Jake: Guy where's Larry going.

Jonas: He's leaving to watch a movie with Bryson.

Jake: Man what a snook

See snook, bitch, wimp, whipped, ditching


To blindside or sucker punch someone in a sensitive region, most often the balls.

I was about to leave when the bitch snook me with the old up and under trick.


a pimp; someone who gets a lot of pussy.

Jesse is never home, I wish he wasn't such a snook.

See krook


A fish commonly caught by residents and tourists of Brannonville, Florida.

"Rise and shine Brevent its time to enjoy our day at sea. I'm looking to haul in atleast 100lbs of pure bred snook."

See fishing, venting, g.o.p.d., 45


something you call a very cute little fuzzy animal. similar to a name.

-talking to the animal-

"aww..e here snook"


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