
What is Snoozle?



I'm goin' for a snoozle


(1) To noozle someone sleepily, or when snuggled closely and trying to fall asleep.

See also noozle

(1) Mary climbed into bed wearily, snoozled Ted, and then promptly fell asleep.

(2) The infant gave Mary a little snoozle and fell asleep in her arms.

See snoozling, noozle, nuzzle, nozzle


An incriment of time, ususally in minutes, used to define how long your alarm clock will go off again after you hit the snooze button.

My alarm clock is set for 4 snoozles

See snoozel, sleeping


Verb: The first few sneezes upon waking from sleep. Cannot apply to sneezes when one has sneezed oneself fully awake.

Adj: The way one's general appearance might look like after a nap.

Verb: "I snoozled so rapidly this morning, I almost hit my head on the nightstand."

Adj: "When he looked up from his dogbed, my dog's entire left side of his face was all snoozley. It made him a look quite surprised."

See snoozling


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