
What is Snouchy?


1) a person who is sulking, with an edge towards aggresion.

2) a way of telling someone (esp. a partner) that they are being both snotty and grouchy, without being attacked by them. Generally said with bottom lip out and in a babyishvoice

Snotty + Grouchy= Snouchy

1) Guy #1: "Arrgh! You just poked me in the fucking eye!"

Guy #2: "Stop being such a Snouchy Cunt."

2) Guy: "You fucking Kobold! I am SO pissed off! I'm going to go and sulk like a jerk."

Girl: "Aw, baby, are you being a wittle bit snouchy? Come here for snuggles."

Guy: "Oh, darling you really are so vomit-inducingly cute. Here, let me stop sulking and give you some oral pleasure."

See fapp, grumble, grunt, schnarf


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