Snow Angel

What is Snow Angel?


blowing your load on one's face then preceding to rub the cum in on their face by spreading out your fingers as many times as needed until an angelic figure forms

brent sucks dick.

brent sucked my dick.

after brent sucked my dick, i gave him the worst snow angel since Vietnam...

See snow, angel, fingers, cunk, sex


When a male stuffs a female's vagina with cocaine, then sticks his two fingers inside of it, then spreads his two fingers apart, then closes and repeats the process.

I will snow angel her by the end of the night.

See snow, angel, cocaine, powder, snow angel


beautiful a girl that is so beautiful that to look at her is like staring in to the heavens up above it is bliss she is bliss she is completely undescriable this girl this snow angle is pure love

this girl she is a snow angel she is my love

See snow angle, bliss, beautiful, love


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