Snow Bird

What is Snow Bird?


anyone coming to arizona stricly because they want to leave their winter season, for ours. then leave when it gets hot.

this fucker cant drive, he isnt from around here. his plate says michigan...damn snow bird.

See snow bird, snow, bird, arizona, dumb ass


Any old or wealthy person who migrates to florida for the cold winter months. These individuals are notorious for bad driving, an undeserved sense of superiority and lack of fashion sense.

"Now it takes me 20 minutes longer to get to work in the morning because all these damn snow birds are clogging up the roads with their shitty driving"

See old, oldie, annoying, asshole


A Jew that retires to either Arizona or Florida

That damn Snow Bird made all his money up North and now can retire eating gingersnaps and refering to the Fridge as the IceBox

See Dan


Any old or wealthy person who migrates to florida for the cold winter months. These individuals are notorious for bad driving, an undeserved sense of superiority and lack of fashion sense.

"Now it takes me 20 minutes longer to get to work in the morning because all these damn snow birds are clogging up the roads with their shitty driving"

See old, oldie, annoying, asshole


A drug made from cocaine and a peice of ice. When you take a tiny peice of ice then roll it in cocaine then snort.

*Guy 1*Want a snow bird?

*Guy 2* Nah, if i want brain freeze i'll drink a slurpee


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