Snowball Fight

What is Snowball Fight?


similar to ,"the snowball"

The act when a woman recieves an avolanche of snowy white jizz in her mouth, pretends to swallow, than spits a snowball of cum into her partners mouth. The man reacts by spitting back at her causing a fight. A smart man will use charm and laugh the situation off, encouraging a second sexual encounter, when a swift "donkey-punch" will be used to teach that cum-spitting bitch a lesson.

I was getting a blowjob when a snowball fight ruined the moment.


Spitting the snowball back and forth between each others mouths until one person swallows.

Nothing is hotter than two girls having a snowball fight after a three some any season of the year.


A game in which people exchange semi-liquid white forms.

That snowball fight was awesome. Woman, you really know how to pump out the white stuff in huge amounts. It was hard for me to keep up; I really got creamed.

See game, exchange, white, snowball fight


where you bust a snowy white load into a ho's mouth and she tries to spit it back at you. this is a snow ball fight. the proper course of action is to give this cum guzzling bitch a swift uppercut to the abdomen (walrus punch).

"I splooged in this back stabbing bitch's mouth, who happened to get with my friend after homecoming, and she proceeded to start a snowball fight with me until i gave her the ultimate walrus punch and knocked her on her fucking ass"

See walrus punch, splooge, purple headed yogurt slinger, donkey punch, ho


When, after the initial action of snowballing ( see snowball ), both partners--with remnants of cum in mouth--spit at eachother in a fight to hit the other.

An acceptable end is a bitch slap from one partner to the other.

Last night in the car was so fun. We fucked around, had a snowball fight, and then I slapped that bitch.


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