Snowball Kiss

What is Snowball Kiss?


snowball kiss is where a chick gives head but doesn't swallow when the guy cums then afterwards kisses him and spits it back into his mouth.

this can either be done before a break-up or for enjoyment.

*if this is going to be performed before a break-up it is wisely suggested to run like hell after it to aviod any hits*

afta he blew his load in my mouth, i pretented to swallow then proceeded to give him a snowball kiss... spittin his cum into his mouth nd runnin like hell as i dumped him

See snow balling, snowballin, snowballer


kissing the guy you just gave head to.

after i sucked his dick we made out, a snowball kiss

See head, snowball, snowballing, snowballin


(v) when a guy splooges all up in a hoes mouth and she doesn't spit or swallow;rather, she goes to kiss the guy and drops his man milk in his mouth

I was so mad at Mike for pushing my head down, that when i was done I gave hime a snowball kiss.

See splooge, cum, jizz


when you kiss after cuming during 69in'

also called a snowball

After my girl & I 69ed we snowball kissed each other and exchanged cum


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