
What is Snowblind?


Snowblind is when a person of color (any color) will mostly or only date white people.

That guy is snowblind because he only dates white gals.

See snow, blind, black, white


1. Being in denial of cocaine's effects

2. The ecstacy of a cocaine high

3. Temporary loss of vision due to usage of cocaine

Brodie is too snowblind to see that he has a problem with cocaine.


1. Blissfully unaware of a dangerous or embarrassing situation.

2. The condition of which one cannot see during a blizzard.

3. A song by Black Sabbath.

1. "John is snowblind to the fact that his girlfriend is cheating on him."

2. "The blizzard out there will snowblind you!"

3. "Dude, Ozzy was friggin awesome crackin Snowblind at his latest tour!"

See Jerry


The condition of experiencing large amounts of pain due to reflection of light from snow into (unprotected) eyes. Often problematic at high altitudes and at polar regions.

Peter, not taking the proper precautions, broke his ankle on Everest due to being snowblind.


when a guy jacks off behind his unaware girlfriend, cums on his hands, then puts his hands over his girlfriend's eyes while saying 'guess who'.

guy1: so what did u get upto last night?

guy2: I snowblinded your mom!

See snowblind, snow blind, snow blinded


The almost freakish obsession that second and third generation young women from the the Far East,Pacific Islands,and the Carribean have for dorky...socially inept..rnball white guys.(It's never the cool ones.)He's "safe"...he's got a professional gig...he digs Toyota Camrys.How exciting.

BLACK GUY 1:"Think I'll go over chat up that hot Korean babe."

ITALIAN GUY 2:"Save it.She's so SNOWBLIND that she masturbates to Bill Gates posters."

See dork, geek, goof, doofus, bookworm


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