
What is Snowblower?


A term for someone who does cocaine. see cokeheadorsnowman.

That guy keeps sniffing, he must be a snowblower.

See cokehead, crackhead, snowman, cocaine, drugs


When a girl gives a guy head and the guy will cum in her mouth, then the girl holds it in her mouth, then spitting the cum held in her mouth all over the guys face.

Man: SHIT! you just pulled a snowblower all over my face!

See yummy, sick, disturbing, kinky, good


When a girl gives head then kisses you with the skeet still in her mouth

Your mother is a snowblower


Getting sucked off by a girl past the point of ejaculation. Getting sucked until you are limp again.

Last night Karen gave me an amazing snowblower. There was no need for cleanup when we were through.

See dick, cum, suck, head, dome, blowjob


When a man/woman covers their mouth and eyes with their hands, and then starts to sniff real hard while another man/woman simultaneously farts on a massive pile of cocaine, sending a blow-infested fart cloud careening into the lucky guy/girl's nose.

"Birry you'll never guess what I did last night. I gave Phir a snowblower in front of his grandparents!"

See fart cloud, marina, guyblow


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A sexual act when many males, usually more than 3, all masturbate into the mouth of one female in the middle of all of them. When the final male ejaculates he says "wait don't swallow I want to see what we all did" or something to that effect. He then punches her in the side of the face hard enough so that she spits out all of the cum and it looks like a snowblower.

Man 1: Dude, me and my posse gave your mom a snowblower lastnight.

Man 2: Thats nice!

Man 1: you idiot a snowblower is where many dudes cum in a girls mouth and punch her in the face

Man 2: you assholes...

See sex, angry pirate, bukkake, cumshot, punch, face, owned


The act of having anal sex, ejaculating into the recievers bum, then having the cum transfered to the face of the giver by a juicy fart.

Devin pounded the hot blondes butt until he unloaded a large amount of jizz, as he layed down to rest she moved her ass to his mouth as if to get a rim job and returned the gift she was given all over his face with a booming fart, completing the Snowblower.

See dirty sanchez, donkey punch, sex, cleveland steamer, rusty trombone, angry dragon, angry pirate, hot carl, blumpkin, houdini, cum, hot karl, pussy, tony danza, abe lincoln, fuck, chili dog, golden shower, cincinatti bowtie, hot lunch, alabama hot pocket, pink sock, anal, blow job, tea bag, blowjob, ass, poop, shit, doggy style, cincinnati bowtie, dick, chilli dog, alligator fuckhouse, anus, asshole, gay, space, docking, jizz, cleavland steamer, vagina, bj, dump truck, shocker, new delhi dot, strawberry, birmingham booty call


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