What is Snowcap?
Garnishing marijuana with cocaine.
I'd like to chase that snowcap with some bourbon and a chicken pot pie.
The result of an almost funny, though not quite, joke.
Originated from a mishearing of the term "slow clap", subsequently snowballing into an indiscriminate laugh fest of proportions unbelievable.
Him: You could wax and get a nic fix at the same time... circle by circle.
Her: Oh, snowcap dude. Snowcap.
An elderly person that drives poorly.
This fucking snowcap in front of me is weaving allover the place and going 10 mph under the speed limit!
(V) To empty the contents of your seminal vessicle (ie; your load) onto the tip of the recipient's waiting terd. Similar to the snow on the top of a distant mountain peak. This act is preferably performed internally.
(N) The semen that comes to rest upon the pointed tip of a waiting terd. Suggesting the appearence of a distant, snowy mountain peak.
2. The result of anal sex.
Shaniqua let me snowcap one of her sixteen-ouncers thursday night.
Her sister didn't know what a snowcap was until I showed her.
when you cum in a girls mouth and she comes up to give you kiss on the mouth
After my girlfriend gave me head and i busted it in her mouth, she tried to come up and give me a snowcap. i said fuck that.