
What is Snowmosexual?


somebody who has sex with snowmen.

alicia thrust the snowman's icicle deep inside of herself in an act of snowmosexual intercourse.

See sex, icicle, snowman, sexuality, fetish, cold, winter, infant, baby, child, fun, happy


a. a husband who would rather ride his snowmobile than his smoking hot wife

b. a father who would rather play in the snow with his snowmobile than his children

c. an individual who is sexually attracted to snowmobiles

"I just found out my husband is a snowmosexual."

"Snowmosexuals make terrible fathers."

See snowmobile, snow, deadbeat, father, loser


Snomosexual: (n) A straight male who, when the holiday season rolls around, suddenly gets very concerned that his house will look jolly enough.

Characterized by a sudden interest in Tree Size, Light Arrangements, and blow up Reindeer.

At first I was worried that my husband was turning gay, then I realized he's just a snowmosexual.

See snow, gay, decoration, homo, deer, lights


Extremely lame adj. usually referring to a goat penis and or homosexual anal intercourse between a goat and a very hairy male homosapian on a mountain or platau in any region on the planet.

Dude that "snowmosexual' is the gayest thing I have ever seen bra.

I am a "snowmosexual" for writing this bra.

Urban dictionary is super "snowmosexual" bra

See mondo, nar nar, pow pow, snow, boarding, snowboarding


a person who looks like he/she is gay, but really they just act like it, so he/she can get with the opposite sex, cause they cant unless they say they are gay.

"did you see jordan. i cant believe he is such a snowmosexual."

See homosexual, sex deprived, unhealthy, word


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