
What is Snubbed?


(v) To be blown off, short or ignored by a someone. Often someone new.

"I was taking to my buddy that I havn't seen in like years, and she totally snubbed me"

See blown off, linked, respect, disrespect


When someone see you, you try to start a conversation and they just ignore you.

So, I, Eroswebmaster am out walking around the Fashion Show mall here in Vegas last night with a friend of mine, when I see Zoe.

I say.."Hey Zoe." She just says "Hey," and keeps on walking by.

So, I stop and turn around and say..."it's me, Cary."

She says..."Yeah, I know." And then starts walking away.

I just stood there shocked...She just snubbed me!

See snubbed, ignore, snub, disrespect


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