
What is Snuffed?



After that fool started talking hella shit, i SNUFFED his ass and he was laide out...

See Stylez


The act of layin some nigga flat out for a good reason or no reason at all.

"Yo did you peep that shit?"


"That nigga just got coold snuffed"


v. To get the shit knocked outta you or someone else.

"Yo, that nigga was runnin his mouth and he snuffed"

"Yea they said that yo ass was next, so peace"


To punch or hit someone (usually in the face) for a good or for no reason at all.

Someone who got snuffed might or would say:

"I don't know why he fucking snuffed me but he's gonna catch it"

See snuffed, hit, clocked, messed


v. To hit with immense force, most often with a punch;

This term is most often used by lower-class African Americans when two, or more, people engage in combat.

Dat nigga got skraight snuffed, cuz!

We 'bout to snuff dat nigga who dissed on you las' week!


The act of Bustin a Niggas Skull.

Yo Nigga Bucky got Snuffed the shit out of by davon.

See punch, scruffed, knocked


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