
What is Soapboxing?


1) To wax philosophical to promote your own agenda.

2) To get your message across to a number of people.

Michael Moore and Ann Coulter spend too much time soapboxing and not enough time not being stupid.

See JP


Preaching; pontificating; voicing one's opinion loudly in the hopes it will gain supporters. Comes from a time when wooden boxes were used to ship soapflakes in, and were then put into use as pulpits for street preachers.

"Shirley, quit your soapboxing and give THIS guy's opinion a thought or two."

See Ren


The act of lecturing, spouting, ranting about a particular subject to attempt to make a point or a stand. Derives from the days when people, such as ministers, actors, strikers, abolitionists, rights defenders, etc. would take a sturdy soapbox (soap came in wooden crates then), carry it to a wtreet corner, and begin preaching their point to the passerbyers.

That point of conversation led her to soapbox about the subject until she knew she made her point.


(verb) When some one uses their position of authority to relay personal beliefs to the masses.

see also soapbox

other uses: soapboxer, soapboxed

My Psyc professor was soapbaoxing about her beliefs and not teaching us anything.


The act of proverbially standing on a soapbox. Usually involves speaking out about something.

My friends say I soapbox too much, but I say they're full of crap. Infact, that was my topic last week.

See Zach


Having sex in the shower or bath while washing

"Hey why dont we shower togehter and save water? "

"Yeah great idea, you can soapbox me."

"mmmm soapboxing is one sure way to get clean as a whistle"

See sex, shower, lube, soap, wet


one with terendus punching skill. punching sumone n missing them.

"yo that brothr been soapboxing for 5 rounds now"

See g-bo


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