
What is Sociopath?


A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means.

Charles Manson

Ted Bundy

Both are sociopaths

See socio, apd


A sociopath is mainly identified by there being something very wrong with a person's conscious. They either 1) have a conscious with "holes" in it, 2)they don't seem to have one at all or 3) they are able to completely neutralize their sense of conscious into a perspective that they aren't doing anything wrong.

One thing is for sure: Sociopaths only care about themselves and only see themselves as being "real" or truely human. Everybody and everything outside of themselves are twisted in their mind into mere objects to be used to achieve personal fulfillment.

A sociopath oftin believes that they are doing nothing wrong or doing something greatly good, due to their egocentricity and grandiose sense of self-worth. They will cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please at any expense of anyone in their lives; predators who satisfy their lust for power and control through superficial charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence.

There seems to be a difference between the made sociopath (one who's lived a life with a childhood that pushed them into the mind state of a sociopath) and the "true" sociopath (one who is born a sociopath.)

- Common Sociopath: simple lack of conscious.

- Alienated Sociopath: an inability to love or recieve love.

- Aggressive Sociopath: a consistent saddistic streak.

- Dyssocial Sociopath: an ability to abide by GANG rules, as long as these rules are the WRING rules.

A list of common (but not limmited-to) sociopathic traits and charictaristics:

Egocentricity, callousness, lack of impulse control, exaggerated sexuality, great boasting, inability to resist temptation, a lowly attitude toward the opposite sex, a lack of intirest in bonding with a mate, siblings or their own children. Superficial and glib charm, need for stimulation and continuous praise, lack of remorse, guilt, empathy and behavioral controls. Juvinile delinquency, criminal versatility, many short-term relationships and sometimes a God-like grandiose sense of self worth. It all begins and ends with that person's defect of conscious.

Something like the Vulcans in Star Trek a sociopath's reasoning can't seem to handle any mixing of their cognition and emotions. Apparently, some of the more prominant psycologists believe it only takes THREE of the above to be defined as a sociopath.

A true Sociopath is rare and ever more rare is a woman who is a sociopath. Some rather well known sociopaths are Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Marcas Wesson and Scot Peterson.

Some fictional sociopaths are Kevin (Sin City) and Lisa (Girl, Interrupted)

See sociopath, charles manson, crazy


The definition given is inaccurate ("For example, if someone prefers to be alone all the time rather than be among friends, family, or other people. Another could be someone who intentionally cuts their wrist everytime they feel they did "something wrong"")

Self-injury has nothing to do with being a sociopath. I find this offensive and increases the stigma of a serious disorder

Sociopath refers to a person who lacks a conscience

Many serial killers are sociopaths


One who often knows what there doing is wrong, but simply dosent care. Generally Sociopaths have very High IQ's and due to this dont see many other people as equals. Lack of conscience. A lot of Murders, Billionaires, and Dictators have been considered Sociopaths.

Scared your a sociopath?

Ask yourself these questions. If you find yourself saying yes to a lot of them your probably a sociopath.

-Lots of people find you funny or charming, but they don't really know you. Once they get to, they turn away.

-Very Few people actually know the real "YOU"

-You sometimes enjoy people cry

-You are known for racist remarks yet dont consider yourself racist

-You break laws (even big ones).

- Lots of people who like you, let very few true freinds.

-You don't have a problem lying to get what you want.

-When you say you're sorry, you usually don't mean it.

-You have a love / hate relationship with your parents.

-You don't like to joke about yourself - or when people

joke about you.

-You've lied to people just to see if you could get away with it.

-You have a high IQ yet dont do as well as you could do in school.

-You often act before you think about the consequences.

-You got in trouble a lot when you were a kid.

-Others accuse you of being secretive or shady.

-It's hard for you to be loyal.

-You don't think in terms of "right" and "wrong."

-You have been cruel to animals.

-It's hard for you to empathize with people's problems.

-You don't really have any plans or structure in your life.

-You break people's trust

-You are a pyromaniac.

-You have at least one strange, overwhelming phobia.

-You are very good at manipulating people and situations.

-You are almost always bored.

-You have cheated a lot on past partners.

-You see people as your pawns.

-Your relationships tend to be short. At first people love you, and later on they hate you.

-You have trouble holding down a steady job.

-You have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex.

-You've stolen stuff from close freinds.

-You've made up stories to get empathy.

Mike lies a lot to get ahead. He says things he knows will cut to the bone, yet dosent care. We used to think he was cool. Now we know hes probably a sociopath.

See sociopath, liar, racist, antisocial


A very dangerous person. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A master deceiver. They are perceived as a nice guy with charm and perhaps charisma but when the layers of the truth are peeled back they are evil, opportunitstic and lack character. A sociopath may look like this:

They are opportunistic and use their keen ability to read people to take advantage of a person’s weakness. They have an error in judgement and have no regard for rules. Their extreme egocentricism makes them do whatever they must to get what they want without regard for other people. They are manipulative. Their character flaw seldom makes them feel guilt or learning from punishments. They always justify their actions. They lack personal responsibility and blame others for their shortcomings, labeling themselves the “victim.” Many sociopaths are also pathalogical liars and can have a tendancy to commit acts of violence.

Most serial killers fit the personality trait of a sociopath.

See personality disorder, serial killer, krock1dk


A wolf in sheep's clothing. An antisocial and opportunistic person who lacks moral judgement and character but has the keen ability to identify and take advantage of the weaknesses of others. They often blame society for their shortcomings and view themselves as a victim. They may come across as charming and charasmatic, but are predators in disguise. Once their true colors are shown, they often posses such traits as narcisim, insecurity, dishonesty, violence, jealousy, and victimizing oneself. Interestingly, most sociopaths have a high degree of intelligence or "street" smarts.

Many serial killers qualify as a sociopath.

See psychology, serial killer, psychosis, krock1dk


a person, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Nny, From Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM, Would be best described as a sociopath.

See antisocial, moral, social, conscience, sociopathic


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