What is Socko?
Main Entry: socko
Pronunciation: 'sä-(")kO
Function: adjective
Date: 1938
: strikingly impressive, effective, or successful : OUTSTANDING
this fool above me got no clue what this word means he really not socko! damn
A nickname given to somebody who has gotten a
"Aaron Vasquez got a pink sock for Christmas from Alma Claus."
"No way! I guess we'll have to call him socko from now on."
Mick 'Mankind' Foley's best friend. You DON'T want him in your mouth.
It's Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko is out!
A guy who makes up words to put into the slangdefine, at the halarious expense of other forum users.
'Man, I wish he'd stop putting words in the slangdefine, it's just not funny at all'.
'I know, he's such a SOCKO'.
An awesome drink that has the effects of crack
Keith was going crazy because he had 7 sockos.
Brother to sock puppets Rocko, and Jocko,he is the quitest of the three.
I wish Socko would talk to Jocko and Rocko, I wonder if he needs therapy?
one who makes up a gay word to make fun of people who actually can make words.
A jackass who thinks he knows it all.
isn't it
halarious how much of a socko he is.