
What is Socko?


Main Entry: socko

Pronunciation: 'sä-(")kO

Function: adjective

Etymology: 2sock

Date: 1938

: strikingly impressive, effective, or successful : OUTSTANDING

this fool above me got no clue what this word means he really not socko! damn

See Billy


A nickname given to somebody who has gotten a pink sock

"Aaron Vasquez got a pink sock for Christmas from Alma Claus."

"No way! I guess we'll have to call him socko from now on."

See pink sock, pain, nasty, sock it to me


Mick 'Mankind' Foley's best friend. You DON'T want him in your mouth.

It's Mr. Socko! Mr. Socko is out!


A guy who makes up words to put into the slangdefine, at the halarious expense of other forum users.

'Man, I wish he'd stop putting words in the slangdefine, it's just not funny at all'.

'I know, he's such a SOCKO'.


An awesome drink that has the effects of crack

Keith was going crazy because he had 7 sockos.


Brother to sock puppets Rocko, and Jocko,he is the quitest of the three.

I wish Socko would talk to Jocko and Rocko, I wonder if he needs therapy?


one who makes up a gay word to make fun of people who actually can make words.

A jackass who thinks he knows it all.

isn't it halarioushow much of a socko he is.


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