
What is Sodomatical?


Relating not only to the act of anal sex (see sodomy) but to any pastime regarded unclean by Jamaican society. This can include, for example, oral sex performed by a man on a woman. Immortalised by renowed lyricist Spragga Benz in his 90s epic, 'No Funny Guy Thing'.

'Say we nuh inna dem funny guy thing

Bad man nuh wear G-string

Wi nah join nuh SODOMATICAL system

Ah brimstone an fire dat ah go bring bring bring'

TRANSLATION: One does not approve of homosexuality. Furthermore, respectable gentlemen will never don a pair of female undergarmemts. One will never succumb to a system that endorses sodomy; eternal pain and suffering in the flames of hell awaits all those souls that embrace such acts.

See fassyhole, chi chi man, bo cat


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