Soft Taco

What is Soft Taco?


When the area around the female organ (or the vagina) is shaved completely and is soft to the touch.

mmmmmm, Janice has a nice soft taco.

See soft, pussy, vagina, shaved


A loose pussy.

A vagina that has been fucked so much it's hella loose.

"That hooker has a soft taco".

See pussy, vagina, vag, lettuce.


Cocine in powder form

hey man, you got any soft tacos??

See blow, cocaine, hard taco, crack, skeeted


A humorous prank. While an unsuspecting male friend slumbers, two or more males strip naked, and lie in the spooning position on either side of the victim, cuddling until he awakens. Upon his waking, the two shout (in unison) "Soft Taco"

Will-Will slept alone in his tent, so Josh and Blake woke him up with a soft taco.

See Waverly


code words for sexual tension; related urst; originated in high school theater back stage when one's friends have extreme unresolved sexual tension and you need to talk about it without them knowing

"wow, look at those two, they have a huge soft taco!"

"the soft taco between those two is so huge i wonder if they can eat it all by themselves..."

See Liz


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