
What is Soft-on?


A flacid (limp) penis. Antonym: hard-on. A soft-on is generally produced by a woman with absolutely no sexual appeal.

Rosie O'Donnel gives me a real soft-on.


The state of the penis in between the flacid state and an erection. The penis usually looks huge at this time but still soft.

Omg! Your penis is huge!

Oh I just have a soft-on.

See dick, hard-on, erection, huge


From having a hard-onto being turned off by something sexually and having it go floppy..

'I was ready to go, then i saw her hairy minge and i got a soft on...'


an unexpected loss of an erection; opposite of hard-on.

"Things were getting pretty hot until Marcy farted; the smell gave me a total soft-on."

See hard-on, boner, erection, flacid, limp


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