
What is Soggies?


Refers to girls, often loose or skanks, who are generally unappealing. Normally over weight or unattractive. Often used to describe unattractive girls who show up at parties uninvited. Soggies is derived from Captain Crunch commercials where the “soggies” would ruin the Captain’s cereal.

The party really sucked, there was just a bunch of soggies.

See soggy, soggies, skank, sluts, lush


Another term used to describe testicles and their soggy nature inside of the scrotum. Men are usually proud to announce they have 'soggies' rather than testicles because of its manly connotation.

Did you just see his soggies?

How many soggies do you have?

See testicles, balls, nuts, twins, family jewels


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