
What is Soggy?


your arent fresh looking or your fat, and you have no friends. Your clothes are out of style.

Kelly Kalbacher is very soggy unlike Joel Metzger.

See soggy, fat, uncool, fag, loser


Slang for "cool," "sweet," and overall good-ness. Also can be abbreviated to just "sog." Usually refers to things people do as well as people.

Dan is such a good artist, his drawings are so sog.

Adam is really good at basketball. His jumper is the soggiest I've ever seen.

Ariel and Stephanie are fun to hang out with, they're really soggy people.

See cool, sweet, wet, damp, awesome


A response to the greeting "how's the waffle cooked", meaning things aren't the best and you are sad or otherwise down in mood.

"Hey man, how's the waffle cooked?"

"Pretty soggy, man. My uncle fell into a wood chipper."

See response, waffle, cooked, crispy, burnt


1) drunkor hung over

fucken-a emil, you look soggy as hell

See hung over, drunk, sloshed, assed out, shit-faced


A white person, a cracka, a honkey. May be used in a derogatory manner. The term may possibly derived from a story involving Caucasians being "under-cooked" in "God's oven", resulting in a soggy white mess.

Soggies are the downfall of humanity.

That guy is so soggy that he makes this wet sponge seem like a person of African descent.

See cracka, whitey, honkey, wigger, honky


soggy is either when a girl has been fucked to many times and is all loose and gross. the other definition is when a girl has gross fat on the back of her legs like cottage cheese.

1. she been around so much now she fuckin soggy

2. she has soggy shit on her legs.

See Adam


totally out of it and completely and utterly pizzled, so much so that you cant stand up any more and you look like you're sogging into the ground.

Ned: "did you shag that girl last night?"

Franklin: "yeah, she was so soggy, it was easy!"

See fucked, drunk, pizzled, pissed, tipsy


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